Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Out Fits

Hey all

Haven't been updating much these days. But I was shopping a bit for clothes instead of beauty and make up items..

So here's something I got this week.
And here's pair of shoes i saw which I really liked.. It's really silvery.. but atfirst I thought may be is too shiny.. but then when I tried it on.. was like WOW.. nice... so I bought it=p


  1. oohh I love EDC outfits :) And i love the silver shoes, it isn't too overwhelming!!! pretty!

  2. I can't wait to see them on you! :)

  3. i love your stuff! :)

    and i loove flats!

  4. Ooo I love the second outfit! Sooo pretty~~~ >.<

    Sorry I been MIA this weekend! I was in my "visiting with the parents" mode, so not so much blogging, but I'm back now, hehehe.


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